Do You Have To Know Code Before You Can Build a Website?


If you're looking at building a website and you don't know how to code, is it a great reason to not go ahead with it or hire a developer to go build it for you? Nowadays even if you don't know how to code you can use different no-code tools to build a website for yourself, there are technologies such WordPress that can be used to build website and you can also use no-code tools like or Adalo to build even sophisticated software without writing one line of code.

Lastly, building a website nowadays is very easy with these tools, you only have to be focused and learn how it works.


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You don't need coding skills to build a website, you can use content management system or website builder to build websites. You can find content management systems and website builders that help you to create specific kind of website. For instance, if you want tom create online store you can either use shopify or magento, and there is no need to do coding. If you want to create a forum you can use Xenforo or phpBB and there is no need to do coding.