Can You Still Make Money With User Testing?


User testing has been a popular way to make money some years back, where all you have to do is open account with platforms like and complete some easy tasks and get paid, payments were prompt and all you have to do is link your PayPal account.

These such opportunities are no longer there and most of these platforms are either closed down or have adopt a payment strategy that's not worth it for the users, what's your thoughts on testing apps?


Paid Author
Yes, you can still make money through user testing. There are a lot of websites that are specifically created for user testing jobs. You can also find user testing jobs on freelancing sites. However, there are a lot of factors involved when it comes to actually make money from these jobs and sometimes it can be very difficult to get a job and make money. One of the main reasons is competition, you have to compete with a lot of people for the same job

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
You need to familiarize yourself with these interfaces because user testing could be for various technologies and then you need to have at least bagage of essentials or minimum @Mika before being involved on them fully.