Business vs. Forex Trading: Which is Profitable


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If you have money, you can do a lot of things with your money. Here we are basically comparing starting a business and doing forex trading. When you create a business, you basically sell products or services for cash. Whereas with forex trading, you will be buying and selling foreign currencies. Forex trading differs from traditional business activities, however, you can build a business around forex trading and make a lot of money. Running a business is not easy, you need skills, knowledge and well as people to help you, running a business is entirely different from trading activities. By the way, what would you choose.


Paid Author
Both can get you the riches you desire however they are not easy to achieve. I will go for business any day. If I have full knowledge about forex that i am so sure about it, I can invest but with just basic knowledge and small capital I wouldn't try it. Some got rich through forex but so many lost their investments severally. Some currencies are very volatile thus if you don't know how or when to take advantage of them, they would do so to you. Business with the right plan or strategies can still be sustained.


I'll choose business over forex trading if I'm dead broke and looking for a way to bring in income, there are businesses I can start today that'll make me profit today, like selling soft drinks or snacks at a busy location.

You can't say so for forex trading and you'll have to extremely skillful to make money in it, it took me two years almost three to get to Profitability, so you see it can be a wild goose chase.