Benefits of Garlic in The Body


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Garlic reduces cholesterol and thins the blood

Garlic goes more than simply as a condiment to our food, it also has some therapeutic properties to food. It is scientifically confirmed that garlic may be used to reduce cholesterol content as an effective way to improve heart health. By decreasing the amount of ‘LDL’ cholesterol, garlic helps reduce the probabilities of the arteries becoming blocked. In doing so this also prevents heart disease from happening. They add that garlic too acts like a blood thinner. It aids blood circulation further lowers the hazards of hypertension and other blood clot formations. In this case World Wide Web is helpful as strokes are caused by blood clots and thinning the blood is helpful. All in all, it can be concluded that inclusion of garlic within foods you consume has potential to prevent you from heart issues, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.

Garlic Reverses Cancer Cells Growth in the Laboratory

However, in laboratory treatments garlic can be very effective in combating cancer. Science discovered that extracts from garlic have the ability to inhibit the development of cancerous cells. This is important because the ability to prevent cancer cells from proliferating can help to either stall or halt cancer development all together. Sulphur compounds in garlic are thought to be the active ingredient in this anti cancer effect. The research in this area is not well developed, but what has been done indicates that perhaps garlic is good to be a part of one’s diet when prevention against cancer is the goal.