5 Outdated Programming Skills That Won't Get You High-Paying Jobs


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It is important to note that not all programming skills assure high pay or high demand jobs available for the programmer.

1. COBOL: The employment and salary offers for COBOL programmers are currently scarce since the language has not been employed for new generation systems.

2. Pascal: Don't waste your time! This is an old language mainly employed in the classrooms, with very scarce avenues for employment.

3. Visual Basic: They have been dominated by more evolved modern languages, providing fewer well-paid positions.

4. Perl: Perl has slowly faded from the mainstream development environment due to languages like Python and Ruby that have risen to the mainstream development environment.

5. ActionScript: This is mainly for advertising with Adobe Flash, which is not used anymore because it is useless and there is barely any employment available.

My advice is for you to focus on what is new and popular, then you are likely to secure a good job in a programming arena.


Learn these programming language in today's age is like learning to ride a horse, it might be useful but to only you, as we don't ride horses anymore on the streets, programing advances everyday with new concepts and features, it's getting faster and more reliable.

Learning old technology is a disservice to these development, it's important if you dream of being a competent developer to learn new technologies and build a stack of knowledge on how to use modern tools