5 Lucrative Businesses That Don't Cost a Dollar to Start


Paid Author
People always talk about opening a business venture without any capital, and it takes time sometimes, but it is achievable. Don't miss these ones:

1. Freelance Services: Offer skills like writing, graphic design, and programming online.

2. Consulting: Apply expertise, give recommendations towards business, marketing, or finance, for example.

3. Dropshipping: An online business can be started without any inventory; the supplier delivers products to the customers directly.

4. Content Creation: By starting a simple blog, YouTube channel or a podcast, one may be paid through the ads that are placed on ones accounts, spon-sorship or through donating.

5. Affiliate Marketing: Humble yourself and sell books, clothes, toys or any other product that you find relevant and get paid for every sale that resulted from your links.

Such companies depend on the development of skills and time that one is willing to spend as opposed to money he/she is ready to invest.


Paid Author
You sure do not have to spend any money to start a freelancing business, however, it is very competitive field and if you are new, you might not get sales easily. Consulting can be as difficult as freelancing as it is really difficult to get paying clients. If you are new, how can you install trust to sell your first consulting service. Dropshipping is actually not a free business model, you will have to spend a lot of money to create a store. Content creation is free if you do it on social sites but for a blog you still need money.


It might not cost money to start, but if you're looking at starting a business you'll have to spend on marketing, the online space is as Saturated as the offline space so you definitely need visibility and often times you'll have to buy that.

If you're starting out as a freelancer for example, do some content marketing, write articles about your niche, grow your socials and then start going after clients, all of these cost money but it'll help in landing your first client.