3 Reasons You Lost Followers


Paid Author
Businesses or channels lose followers day by day and they wonder what they are not doing right. Well you are investing your time but something is not right.

1. You stopped giving value.
Nobody will want to follow you if you don't give value or you stopped giving value, even your family and friends won't follow you.

2. You became greedy
You ask for payments just to offer that same thing you offer for free which made you gain followers. Monetization is not a problem but don't totally scrap the free package and don't hike your premium price that it won't be affordable.

3. You derailed.
It could also be that you stopped offering what you were known for. Maybe you decided to change your nich and your followers don't value this new you and only see your post notifications as distractions.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
1. You stopped giving value.
Nobody will want to follow you if you don't give value or you stopped giving value, even your family and friends won't follow you.
Most of the time you still giving value but the follower just follow you to learn a specific thing and after learn it he doesn't want to see your news for example learn such technology or such language or such trick and a small module learning then no longer needs your tutorials that what happens most of the time.


Paid Author
If you are not providing value based product, you will start losing your followers, be it on social media or your website. The reason why business lose customers is also the same, that is not providing value based content. People buy form you because they like your product or service. If you remove the reason why they buy form you, you will obviously lose your customer. As a business, your primary aim should be to provide good product, your secondary aim should be to provide good customer support.