2 Books That Can Change Your Marketing Game


When it comes to marketing, knowing what to do and when to do it can define if you can sell your product or not, at all times it is important to pay attention to your message and how you deliver it, in this post we'll be looking at 3 Books that can help your Marketing and help you close more leads.

1) Never Split the Difference: This is a book on negotiation, it will help you to learn how to negotiate with a client and get them on your side.

2) How To Win Friends and Influence People: This book will help your general approach to sales, people and relationships, it can also help you develop a likeable personality which makes sales inevitable.

Monster Masterpiece

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How much do they cost money or are they available in free mode so could you little expand this point that you do not mention or direct link for example and thank you in advance.


I actually got them for free, you can use websites like Zlibrary, OceanPDF, or PDFDrive and search for the books, also if you want to buy them to appreciate the authors you can go to a Amazon and search for them, they should be around ($) 10 - 15 each I guess.

The books are good and are also practical, you can start applying what you have learnt directly to your marketing and you'll see a big difference, you can also gift them to someone, I've read them over and over again to refresh the concepts in my head because they are timeless.