12 Effective Tips to Overcome Ulcers Today


Paid Author
There are terminal diseases and we don't want to experience any. It's surprising how so many people don't know they have ulcer: gastric, peptic ulcer etc. Some experience so many symptoms they can't explain. Ranging from chest pain, body pain, burning sensation, tingling, bloody stool, stomach pain, internal heat etc. If wrongly diagnosed can be termed something else. You have ulcer or you dont, you can adapt to some lifestyles that can prevent or aid your condition especially when done alongside proper treatment, medically or through herbs (herbs preferably).

Lifestyle Tips for Managing Ulcers
  • Sleep with pillow
  • Avoid hot meals
  • Don't eat strong or hot food always eba, fufu etc.
  • Avoid spicy meals
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol
  • Avoid fatty meals and fries
  • Avoid some meals usually triggers (varies in individuals) milk, beans, watermelon etc.
  • Do more exercise
  • Sleep on time for proper healing
  • Drink more water and eat fruits frequently ( cucumber, garden egg etc.)
  • Eat bit by bit and don't skip meals, light meals preferably
  • Take your medications.