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  1. Carson20t

    How To Write A Motivation Letter To Standout For Approval To Travel Abroad As A Student?

    One key thing for you to stand out is a motivational letter. A motivational letter will help make your statement to show that you desire the opportunity to travel to a developed country as it will give you the exposure and the needed experience that will help you or help your country. When you...
  2. Carson20t

    Business Advice For Beginners?

    Let the business that you want to start come from your own business plan, and not copy and paste business in the name of becoming an entrepreneur. So basically look at the following parameters in the business that you would like to set up. 1. Understand your business concept 2. the scope of...
  3. Carson20t

    What You Need To Know Before Investing In Stocks,ETFs And Securities.

    Establish an emergency fund large enough to cover three to six months' worth of living expenses before you start making larger payments to your investments. If you don't have an emergency fund, you'll have to start investing from zero if anything unexpected happens and you have to sell your...
  4. Carson20t

    Saving for Property Purchases

    That is very true that a person can have a Housing savings account and save in the long term for them to build a dream house but it has to do with determination and self-discipline. I also think that it does not think it is a good thing to build from funds sourced from a loan.
  5. Carson20t

    Starting a Business with No Capital

    That is very true that a person can start from zero and start levelling up, it all depends on how much you are willing to push towards your dream. The thing is that a lot of people always want to limit themselves and think that it is impossible but if you are determined then you can build from...
  6. Carson20t

    Preparing for Self-Employment

    That is very true that people need to ensure that they plan on how income may start coming in. Most of the time it is possible to earn a good amount when you are working on your own. But those who are determined will surely make it through. So starting self-employment needs a lot of parameters...
  7. Carson20t

    Challenges in Getting Online Loans

    That is very true that one needs to meet the criteria if they are to get a loan approved through the app online. The thing is that it is true that you need proof that you have an income and they also look at your CRB to show your credit score to help determine the probability of you paying it...
  8. Carson20t

    Payment Received

    Thank you very much, I will go ahead and read the criteria for one to be eligible to earn on this wonderful forum. I surely hope that I do get to pass the test.
  9. Carson20t

    Do People Really Earn Thousands of Dollars Taking Surveys?

    It all trickles down to doing your own research in order to get to verify those claims that are being shared. When people explain something to you they also must provide further feedback and reviews for those who need more clarity. But Generally speaking, cheating the system to work online will...
  10. Carson20t

    Payment Received

    Thank you so very much, How to earn on the site admin sir? I cannot seem to get any credit for the posts that I am making on the site.
  11. Carson20t

    How to Avoid Hypertension or High Blood Pressure

    Thank you for the Tips, Hypetensiopn is a lifestyle-related illness that if we get to control most of our eating habits and maintain a good physical then we might not suffer this fate. I will spread the awareness to as many as I can so that we get to save lives. I will surely practice the tips...
  12. Carson20t

    Make Money Reading Books on ACX

    This sounds amazing and I would like to get to try it out and see how it goes for me, what are the payment methods that you can get to use when on the site? I will definitely research more about this site and give it a shot.
  13. Carson20t

    Is IElTS Compulsory to Secure Admission Abroad?

    I have seen that most countries you seek to go abroad for studies will require that you have the IELTS certificate and I did not know that it costs somewhere around that amount of about $120. I hope the time I would like to be processing my travel abroad I will not experience such a huge fee...
  14. Carson20t

    Payment Received

    Wow this is good that @Mika you have now reached 3rd payment that you got to receive for this great Forum. I am just starting up and i really hope to have a good experience here.