Recent content by Monster Masterpiece

  1. Monster Masterpiece

    Securing Italy Student Visa

    Italian is near to spanish and french however far from germany from personal learning experience.
  2. Monster Masterpiece

    Should You Get A Job or Start a Business?

    It depends because not every one could start a business or not every one could find a job it depends from your capabilities first of all and your previous experiences on the life.
  3. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Optimize Your Facebook Ads?

    It could work for promote a facebook page, not all external links are accepted into facebook ads some domains are blacklisted, this is from a personal experience to meta ads and by the fact of trying their services for example blogger isn't accepted.
  4. Monster Masterpiece

    Reason Why Most People Stay Broke

    Start youtube channel is good but there are platforms that pays better like odysee, just you need to buy fully verified stripe account as not available in most regions and start working with it this is to resume everything.
  5. Monster Masterpiece

    How to Build Organic Traffic By Utilizing Keywords

    Choose of keywords needs to be manually reviewed by admin or staff members.
  6. Monster Masterpiece

    2 Books That Can Change Your Marketing Game

    How much do they cost money or are they available in free mode so could you little expand this point that you do not mention or direct link for example and thank you in advance.
  7. Monster Masterpiece

    What do You Think About Genetically Modified Products?

    People always focus for cheapest product and not expensive food even unhealthy because of their pocket money to resume the situation unlike articles recommended.
  8. Monster Masterpiece

    How to save money buying seafood?

    They pay commission of redemption if you refer someone to their restaurant this is a reputable practice add to a small rebate to referred person for example. This is to resume everything.
  9. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Get Clients as a Web Designer?

    Fiverr does not provide whatsapp code verification as several sites call does not work and sms never arrived too this is a big drawback for example.
  10. Monster Masterpiece

    How to Earn Money as a Gamer on TikTok

    Why do you exclude Odysee, a full list of Odysee content creators are talking about game technics, but to start monetization stripe must be available in your country, the problem seems similar to paypal limitations, however even with LBC you could trade with komodo wallet to altcoins.
  11. Monster Masterpiece

    Is Blogging Still Profitable in 2024?

    Blogs must focus on paid per lead compaign means a kind of compaign that you bring people to outside shopping website and then every sale they made where source is your blog you earn for example 7 % depending on the compaign agreement and then for example imagine someone purchasing a product for...
  12. Monster Masterpiece

    How To Make Money as a E-hailing Driver?

    It is not easy like the thread starter is promoting for. Not means that you have driver license for drive a taxi that means you can start work immediatelly on the taxi of your father as an employer or similar tricks. There is a lot of papers and legalizations to pass and agree with state before...
  13. Monster Masterpiece

    How to Track Your Social Media Marketing

    Social media work means you are every day making videos and then making videos to sell something means mount the video and a lot of work than not everyone could do alone to make sales, he may do some days and stop working or need some people to help do the work.
  14. Monster Masterpiece

    Reason Why Most People Stay Broke

    I could say 3 is the most well known reason. Because every day you hear that price of water and food and transportation or even services has increased this week or this month while salary increases once a year and if you calculate difference you will find that this increase doesn't cover...
  15. Monster Masterpiece

    Hamster kombat

    If you do not follow project from the beginning it is too late now projects needs to be started soon after bot launch.