Working Online: Full Time or Part Time


Paid Author

You can choose to work full-time or part-time, depending on what your priorities, what kind of skills and knowledge you have, what kind of interests you have, and last but not the least what works best for you. To work online, all you need is a computer with an internet connection and maybe a phone. To make money online it is important to have basic computer knowledge and English language skills. You can easily start on micro job sites. However, if you have advanced skills, you can try working on freelancing sites. You can also start your own project such as blog, youtube channel, online business, etc.


As far as working online is concerned, I prefer to work as freelance it gives a sort of control over my time and I choose to work or not, not like getting a remote job and expected to show up eevryday and all the time, and not showing up can have an effect on your payout.

I also trade and that's what's bringing in the bulk of my income, there's freedom in that you just analyze the chart and trade, and you have your whole day to yourself and you can choose what to do with it, and all guilt free