Why you shouldn't go into Pig Business


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Pig business is a very lucrative business, just thinking about it, you could imagine how lucrative it's. However, you shouldn't go into Pig Business for the following reasons:

If you are not experienced enough kindly stay away from this business or better still go and learn if you don't want to incure loss.

Insufficient Capital
Pig Business is not what you will start with a small capital. Starting in a very small way will cost you not less than 3-5 million naira if you don't have a land or building set aside already.

If you won't be available to manage your poultry farm by yourself, don't venture into it, you will regret.

Lastly, just feeding 3-4 pigs in a week can cost over 270 thousand naira, do you still want to start with that capital you currently have, give it some thoughts.


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After retirement, my father bought few cows and started selling milk for profits. However, the work was stressful that he sold the cows. I do not know anything about pig business but I can understand how stressful it can be, especially you do not have enough knowledge, skills and experience. You should not only know about pig health but you also need to know about their habitat. You also need to know the market properly. Without knowing the market, it is impossible to profit

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
After retirement, my father bought few cows and started selling milk for profits. However, the work was stressful that he sold the cows. I do not know anything about pig business but I can understand how stressful it can be, especially you do not have enough knowledge, skills and experience. You should not only know about pig health but you also need to know about their habitat. You also need to know the market properly. Without knowing the market, it is impossible to profit
It is a full responsibility that people not working in the domain could say it is an easy work and not something that requires a hard effort and we cannot blame them as not in the domain of the work.


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I also believe that there is no such thing as easy work, all work has its own level of difficulty, the only difference is their difficulty level. Some work are extremely difficult where as some jobs have moderate level of difficulty. Whether your work is difficult or not also depends on your ability to work on the job. If you are skilled, it might be easier for you to work on it, and if you do not have skills, you might have difficult in commencing it. Interestingly, if you have a deep interest, you might also find the job easy


Paid Author
You are right about the market. I actually left that out, it's good someone pointed it out. Health and habitats too are important factors, you don't want to lose your investment to cold death overnight. Indeed interesting how people think pig business is so easy. Some level of skills too will make people find things easy this is why you have to learn before you earn, it's good to gamble with your money, take risks! But it's better you don't when you don't have the proper strategies put in place first.