Why is it hard to secure a job nowadays?


Securing a job nowadays is hard due to a lot of pressure on the economy a lot of people are out of schools with no tangible employment they can hold onto, many jobs are advertised internally to stave off other applicants from applying, I think it stems from lack of industry, few people are starting companies so there are few people that create jobs people can get employed in.

There is also a problem of minimum pay which makes working unattractive at all, so all of these factors contributes to it altogether.

In your opinion what makes securing a job hard in today's world?


Paid Author
There are many out there having your qualifications or even better with no job, that's competition. We have vacancies to be occupied by the MD's brother, the secretary bringing in her church member and the gateman inviting her friends husband. The connection goes. You are asked for some years of experience, where do you get it if you are not employed. The pay is unfair for those that even managed to get, how would they be retained? The economy is struggling and bills are in combat with you that you have to leave that comfort zone to search for another.


In some countries it is very difficult to run a business especially online business, so the business owner cannot employ others. For example government agencies, top tech and internet companies are falsely claiming that housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband and other frauds who do not want to pay expenses, own an online business, while the real business owner is criminally defamed as lazy, idle, dishonest. So instead of focusing on the business growth, the business owner is wasting time, fighting the criminal defamation of some of the largest tech, internet companies, government agencies for more than a decade.


Paid Author
In my opinion, there are two main reasons why it is difficult to secure a job these days, one, there is a huge gab between the demand and supply, there are more people looking for the job compared to the companies looking for workers. Another reason is the workforce does not have the proper skills. There is a great demand for technical jobs but not many people are good in this area, so despite jobs being vacant, people cannot fulfill them