Why Investments Fail Most Times


There are different reasons why investments fail a lot of it is attributed to lack of understanding of the investment itself, you can have good capital to start with but without a sound investment knowledge it is just a matter of time before the investment takes a nose dive and you'll lose it completely.

To win in your investments bets, find a group that are already successful doing it and join them or dedicate at least two years in getting better at it before you toss in real money into it, it will help you to avoid losing your money(capital)


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I think it is bad to generalize why investment fails. A lot of people are successful with their investments, a lot of people I know from my real life has been able to generate insane amount of wealth through investment. If someone's investment fails, there are multiple reasons and one of the main reasons is investing without research and another reason is investing without understanding own risk tolerance level. If you plan for long term strategy, it is very likely that you will never fail