What if Money Stopped Being a Medium of Exchange?


Paid Author
Imagine If money stopped being a medium of exchange, things would get wild. People would go back to bartering, trading goods and services directly. Do you have some apples? Trade them for some shoes, funny right? But it would be stressful you would need to find someone who wants what you have and has what you need.

Businesses would struggle to price items and pay workers. Saving for the future? Just forget about it everything’s a trade. The economy could slow down big time, and travel and global trade would be super complicated. Life would get more local, and trading skills and items would be the new norm. It’d be a whole new world. What do you think?

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
Be back to these days will be hard except if people use currency as medium of exchange for the exchange of goods or services because paper money cost state a lot of money to print it this is one and two there is falcification in term of money papers so it is possible either payment or bartering for example.
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Well, if it ever happens then we'll be back to using the barter system which are already used to and I think it appropriate value to products and inflation is going low because you can't create or print out money, the way it's currently being done.

I think it's good if the reset happens because almost everyone is complaining about inflation and how hard it is to know the real value of everything, or create a world global currency the way Sam Altman suggested.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
Well, if it ever happens then we'll be back to using the barter system which are already used to and I think it appropriate value to products and inflation is going low because you can't create or print out money, the way it's currently being done.
It doesn't relate as barter system or fiat currency will be same except there is a little difference between both of them this is will have impact on value of barter for example.


Paid Author
I don't pull my brains out for silly thoughts like this one. I do not see how money will stop being a medium for exchange. Humanity is inventing new methods every now and then. They started with batering, then started using shells and other items as exchange method, they they started using precious metals and gen stones, then they minted coins, and then they started using paper money. They also used plastic money and now they are using something that does not even exist
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