What Exactly is Quality Content?


Paid Author
When it comes to creating and publishing content online a lot of people will tell you that you need to create quality content to get traffic and build engagement. But what exactly is quality content, what are the criteria of quality content? A simple explanation of quality content is the content that provides value to the consumer, either reader of the blog post or the viewer of the video, or listener of the podcast. What exactly is value? Well, providing value means your consumers are getting useful and interesting information, the content is entertaining or educational, and the consumer also likes share the content.


Any contents that a reader wants to read and share is a quality content, even though it's skewed through different angles, because an SEO expert will tell you that a quality content is one that gets a lot of traffic, I believe a good content will get great traffic by the virtue of being readable and relatable.

I think if you're a content creator, you should focus and pay more attention to creating great contents that your readers can relate to as it will bring all of the SEO juices you want for you without making it the focus of your content.