What Are Your Investment Plans?


Paid Author
Investing is the only way to build my wealth and become financially secure, so I take investment serious. I have investments in the local stock market and I plan to continue with the stock market investment and I build my portfolio. I also have some investments in multiple crypto assets, and I plan to continue with crypto investment. I am trying to invest in Bitcoin, Altcoins as well as Meme and grow my crypto portfolio. Well, I have also invested in Mutual Funds, Bonds and Certificate of Deposit. I also like to buy equity in profitable businesses. This will allow me to own a business without actually starting my own business.


Investments is key to build a long lasting wealth that you can easily transfer to your heirs, there are different ways you can get started in investment, one of the ways people get into investments is through real estate, by acquiring real estate in an upcoming area you can make money off it in the next few years.

There is stocks also where you can invest in a company that has good financials and make good profits, it will also make you profits faster, you can also buy raw gold and keep as it mostly appreciate as time goes on.