What are the online Tools that could be used to Streamline Your Business and Boost Productivity?

Trello is very good for project management and organization too. It's just like a virtual to-do list which will help you to prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and collaborate with your team in real-time.

Additionally, Zapier is yet another wonderful tools that will allow you to connect all your apps to streamline your workflow and save time as well. It's just like having a personal assistant.

Lastly, Calendly is good for scheduling meetings and appointments. This tools is very easy to use and it will integrates with your calendar and things will definitely work in the right direction.
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I use different types of task management apps to manage my daily tasks, I use Trello to manage how I perform tasks, so after writing everything down on a to-do planner, I use the Trello board to make sure time is being mapped out well.

I also use Calendly to schedule important calls with prospects, I use Zoom, Loom or Google meet to do video meetings too, these tools help make everything go smoothly and gives me a feeling of control in my day to day tasks.