Top Reasons Most Students Lack Financial Literacy


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It baffles how much students and graduates struggle when it comes to making and managing money. They lack the basic financial literacy. Could it be that institutions don't have measures in place for these important skills? If you don't know how to make money or you manage to do that but you don't know how to manage it, you will still crumble.

This is a useful skill every student and graduates should have to help them carry on in their career. What are the ways these can be acquired? Aside from self knowledge and research, schools should integrate courses that expose students more on financial literacy so before they graduate they would have equipped themselves with the proper financial skill they need.


Schools can integrate financial literacy programs in their schools to help students in understanding how important it is, there are a lot o books also that should be recommended for students to read in order to be knowledgeable when it comes to finance, Instead of just recommending novels to students, they may or will learn a lot by reading books from Remit Sethi, Robert Kiyosaki and MJ Demarco.

Schools mostly do not care about this and that's way most students learn about this through self education.