Starting With Small Investments


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Investment is very important to build your financial health. A lot of people take excuses for not being able to invest. They say they cannot invest because they have a low income. However, you do not need a lot of money to start investing, there are multiple investment methods that can be done with small amount. While having more money to invest is certainly good but you can also grow your wealth through small investments if you do it on a regular basis and continue to compound your profits over time. Investment is not always about how much you invest, it is also about how frequently you are doing.

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It depends on what invest money if this is something reasonable or something that doesn't bring any money for you, especially there is some kind of known investment that uses old users funds to pay new ones, this is some schemes to invest time or money because they could run away with user funds.


It is always advisable to start your investment with an average amount, not advisable to go all in in your investment because you may end up losing the investment or make some silly beginner mistake that will lead to losing the account completely.

Get an investment book, or watch some videos online, open an account and start taking some bets, invest in companies with good financials, and profitability like Apple or Facebook and work your way up in your investment journey.