Starting a Food Business


Paid Author
Even though I know food is a profitable business, I have not been involved with any food business. If you are interested, you can do a lot of things in this industry, you can become a producer (farmer), you can become manufacturer of processed food, you can become a seller of produce, you can become a refinery, you can even start a restaurant. However, it can be very complicated to start a food based business as you need permits from various departments, including trade and commerce, quality control, and health departments, etc. Getting permits from government agencies can be a real problem.


Food business is one of the most lucrative businesses out there, because people have to eat everyday, if you're selling normal food In a good location, you'll hardly run out of customers, your food just have to be tasty and get a good location.

If you're just starting, I won't advise fancy food because most people don't care much about it, start with what already has demand (local food) and then later you can add snacks and other type of foods.