Starting a Business with No Capital


Paid Author
Can you start a business without a capital? Well, of course you can start a business without capital, you can do this by using ecommerce marketplaces or social media sites. If you want to start a business with zero investment you can use Amazon, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, facebook shop, Instagram Shop, etc. However, just because you have started a business without any investment does not mean you will be able to succeed, you will have to invest in paid marketing to generate sales. There are of course business ideas where you do not have to spend money on products, but if you want to sell your products, you still need money.


New member
That is very true that a person can start from zero and start levelling up, it all depends on how much you are willing to push towards your dream. The thing is that a lot of people always want to limit themselves and think that it is impossible but if you are determined then you can build from scratch. The thing is that one needs a product but again one needs to have a platform where they will be selling that product. So looking at those options is key and very vital towards one's growth.A


Yes, you can actually start a business without money, but isn't going to be a product business but a service business, where you sell your skill, not a product, because it takes money to start a product business, you can go learn how to clean windows, roof cleaning or designing website.

It's going to take a lot of grind, so a lot of cold emails and cold calls too needs to be done before you land a client that'll pay you.