Saving for Property Purchases


Paid Author
There are a lot of ways to buy property, and one such common methods is getting a loan. However, this can be difficult if you are not earning much to be able to pay the mortgage. Therefore, a better approach is to save for a long time. You can do it by creating a personal budget, and allotting some money for your future property purchase. Whenever you receive your salary, you can save a portion specifically for "property purchase savings." You should keep your savings in high-yield savings accounts. You also need to compound the interest you receive on your saving. And in 10-15 years, you might have enough for property purchase.


New member
That is very true that a person can have a Housing savings account and save in the long term for them to build a dream house but it has to do with determination and self-discipline. I also think that it does not think it is a good thing to build from funds sourced from a loan.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
There is certainly good if you do not use Pay Me Later application, or cannot be possible to get an account for pay later loan where bank could precise maximum pay later merchant procedure, you scan QR code and then merchant is paid and it is divided by default to 12 months pay back the bank but you could reduce to 6 months or increase to 24 months where divident is 30 % of your salary that is debited each month to accord pay later merchant from your bank without bank laon agreement.


Many people were able to aquire a house through savings, I mean if you have a decent job that pays you good money then it's ideal to save from it and get yourself a house, there are a lot of payment plans available to make that happen, you can join a cooperative or a joint savings with your spouse to raise money.

You can also formulate a plan and save for a number of month till you make enough to purchase a property.