Online and Offline Business What's More Profitable?


I think short term offline business is more profitable because there are business you can start in a day and you'll make money on the first day, like food business, while online has a lot of competition and given that you are competing with the world it's more difficult to monetize.

But in the long term, if you don't get into a franchise model or open new branches, online business will be more profitable because it cost $0 to scale.


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Both are profitable depending on whether you are doing and how you are doing it. If you get a good offline job , it can pay you well, although, you will depend on salary, online job gives you room to engage in different activities even in a day so you can earn in diverse ways and not siting and waiting for one salary to come in. Online job has it in this aspect multiple jobs online will bring you massive income and some reasonable time for yourself too. The only problem is how to start online. If you have the skills and knowledge, you will make reasonable amount of money.p


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Jeff Bezos is one of the world's richest man. He made most of his fortune online. Bezos operates world's biggest online business. Elon Musk is also one of the world's richest man and he made fortune through offline business. So, both online business and offline business are profitable however, whether you can make money form your business or not depends on various factors such as what you are selling, how you are selling, how you are marketing, and other things like these.