Managing Expectations in Business


Managing expectations is one of the key things every business owner is ought to figure out, after making your business plans and business projection, it is important to note that in business anything can happen, as you can't control where people's money ultimately go, you can only control your positioning and how you present but making a purchase is all upto the consumer.

Having such mindset will make it easy to succeed, because when things don't go as planned you can always Pivot and try out other things instead of sulking and thinking everything is your fault, blaming yourself on what went wrong.


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When you start a business, you start with expectations. but you should be aware that some expectations are realistic, where as some expectations are unrealistic. You will have to identify which is which and try to work on the ones that are realistic. realistic expectations can be fulfilled through hard work and smart work. Unrealistic expectations are basically idealist expectations and they cannot be fulfilled. You know know how to manage these expectations.