Making Passive Income By Monetizing Your Expertise


Paid Author
There are multiple ways to build passive income, however, if you ask me what the easiest ways to build passive income is or what the best way to build passive income, I suggest you to monetize your expertise. What does monetizing your expertise actually means? Well, it means using your skills to create products and services that generate passive income. Let’s say you are a web designer and developer, you can create a website, build traffic and earn passive income though ads. Let’s say you are a writer, you can write and publish ebooks, you can earn passive income through your ebooks. Or you can create and sell online courses. Likewise, you can start a youtube channel and make passive income. The scope is unlimited.


Paid Author
If you have a skill you can monetize, it's a plus for you. What you should do is to create a channel where your audience can reach you. However, you will need the social media to generate traffic. You can promise free classes or webinar from the massive turn up (people like free things) you can get a potential client who is ready to pay for your endeavors. You can even offer mentorship but now at an upgraded price. People want to learn new things and they are willing to pay if they need it.


Staff member
If you have a skill you can monetize, it's a plus for you. What you should do is to create a channel where your audience can reach you. However, you will need the social media to generate traffic. You can promise free classes or webinar from the massive turn up (people like free things) you can get a potential client who is ready to pay for your endeavors. You can even offer mentorship but now at an upgraded price. People want to learn new things and they are willing to pay if they need it.
I do not think traffic generated from social media is good because most visitors never return after reading the main article. Traffic generated from SEO should be highly prioritized.
