Is Remote Learning Effective on Students?


When Covid hits a lot of physical meetups where canceled due to the fear of the virus spread, many colleges create a way to disseminate studies to students which is through remote means, could be a video call or a virtual class room where you can interact with your lecturer.

It became effective because a lot of students grow to prefer it over the conventional setting of sitting in a class room.

Do you think remote learning should become the new norm?


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Remote learning refers to a system through which students are able to learn from distance and this method has its merits as well as demerits. These include; It has flexibility, and this means that students can be taught from anywhere. In retrospect, some of the students will feel comfortable using online tools and resources to establish the coursework. Nevertheless, there are people who do not like communications through the internet and those who require more direct assistance. Working from home can affect your motivation as well as productivity. Altogether, it is beneficial for learners to connect remotely if they have good internet connection, a separate room for learning and if they are able to set practical routines to follow to take classes.

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All remote learning requires a fee. That means you cannot find something that is totally free because these platforms pays a salary to teachers that are working on the platform so they must compensate this from subscribing even pay 4,99 $ per month to get access to tutors tutorials. This means you cannot learn if you are broke and need to have a work to pay for these scholarship fees on platforms. You could learn on Youtube but certifications cost money also means it remains the same. No one will believe that you study on Youtube. But if you get certification from Coursera you could start work with it @Spencer.