Is IElTS Compulsory to Secure Admission Abroad?


Most countries demands an English test examination before they admit you, this can be a stumbling block for a lot of people, the reason why most countries demands IELTS is to ease the integration burden on students, if you know how to speak the language it'll help you get a job faster, understand your lectures effectively etc.

If you don't want to write IELTS, you can opt for countries where English isn't the official language like Russia, Germany etc, it costs around $120 to write the test.

Monster Masterpiece

VIP Contributor
My English level is bad so I cannot admit for that test before even sitting for a test, I think for germany you need to be B1 (not required sowohl B2 als euch C1) to go to germany, you need to be fluent in speaking german.


New member
I have seen that most countries you seek to go abroad for studies will require that you have the IELTS certificate and I did not know that it costs somewhere around that amount of about $120. I hope the time I would like to be processing my travel abroad I will not experience such a huge fee just to do the IELTS exams. Most good countries do require that you get to acquire this certificate.