Is AI Really Good for the World


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Everyone is talking about how AI is revolutionizing the world and how AI is helping people to become better to do better in every sectors, but no one seems to be talking about the energy problem created by AI technology. It is believe that the energy consumed while training ChatGPT would be equivalent to the energy consumed by a car driving to the moon and back to the earth or driving around the earth 19 times. The AI technology is increasing in size as well as in energy consumption, roughly 750 times in every 2 years. With this kind of energy consumption, we will use all energy in 10 years just to build AI chatbots.


In the short term yes, and in the long term no, it will make people incredibly lazy and dependent on technology that individual thinking will be very hard to come across, even nowadays you can sense it in full swing, most people have the same opinions on things and everything is just lame.

Also, there is the fear of people losing their livelihood, like in a recent leaked memo, Amazon CEO said they'll lay off their software engineers by fall because they don't see the need for them anymore, but in short term it's all great, you get to do amazing stuffs with it.