Importance of Location on Your CV


Paid Author
Your resume or CV is very important while applying for a job. You need to know how to format it to the taste of your employer without faking who you are. You just need to streamline your skills and qualities to what they want. Sometimes your CV don't even get to the right placed before it is screened out automatically. This brings me to the issue of location. For instance, you are in Nigeria and you want to apply for a job in Rivers State while you are from Enugu state. Let me assume you have someone, a relative or friend in Rivers state. It's advisable you use that address of your relative in Rivers state rather than your address which states Enough. Let's assume you have the qualities and qualifications, I bet you you must have strong competitors. In a case where you all are equal, little details like location can screen you out. They will give the offer to someone who is in that location rather than someone far away.


Yes, because employers are looking for people in close proximity to them so that you can start work immediately, by hiring someone that leaves faraway they'll have to wait for such candidates to travel and get to the location of the job, this can take time especially if it's a job they are urgently recruiting for.

Your best bet if you know you can relocated quickly is to use any address and try to clinch the job, especially if it's a reasonable job with good pay, you can always sort out the remaining stuffs like rent etc, besides when looking for a good job, you'd have to relocate to where the jobs are .