Importance of Customer Support In Business


Customer is at the forefront and one of the factors in client retention, to retain customers you have to treat them like human beings, not just names in a balance sheet, another factor that shows the importance of customer satisfaction is free marketing, when you treat your customer the right way, they'll help in advertising your products through word of mouth.

Furthermore, treating customers right can aid in overall employees motivation because there work is being appreciated by customers they serve.


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I use namecheap for web hosting. A lot of web hosts give free SSL certificates but namecheap does not and I have to buy SSL certificate on namecheap. However, I am still with namecheap. I use namecheap even though I am paying money for a product which is normally free else where because namechep has the best support system. They can provide assistance within 5 minutes. This is the value of good customer support. People will use your average service if you offer best customer service