How To Transition From An Employee to a Employer?


To transition from an employee to an employer you need a mindset shift and also a business idea, with your idea you can start up a business and solve a problem, if you grow and become profitable you can then hire it out and delegate the job to an employee(s).

To become an employer, it takes years of commitment to your vision and also a lot of savings, so in the meantime you will have to get a job and save as much as you can and not blow your money on a lifestyle upgrade till you build up a solid business.


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Well, it is not possible to transaction from employee to employer within the same company but you can of course transition from worker to owner by creating your own business. Actually, if you have money, you might also try acquiring equity within the company you are working and then become one of the owners. If you want to create a business or own a part of the business, you need money to invest, and you can build your business capital through savings or borrowing.