How to Start Making Money With Adsense


Paid Author
Generally Speaking, you can make money with Adsense in three different ways: One, by using Adsense on a self hosted website, two, by using on a youtube channel, and three, by using on a hosted website. Using adsense on a self hosted website means you buy a domain and hosting, run a website and then start using adsense. You need to get approval, first. You can use adsense on youtube but you need to have 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watch time on your videos before you can be accepted. There are some websites that allow you to use adsense when you start publishing on these websites, for instance blogspot, weebly, etc.


Adsense has a long standing history with blogs, many bloggers were able to make money through blogging with adsense, it is a passive way of making money, you basically don't have to do much to get paid, only post quality content and find a way to make some keyword research on your contents.

With YouTube the barrier is getting lower too, with just a thousand subscribers and 4000 watch hours you will be able to get yourself monetized on the adsense network and make money from it easily, your best best is using a self hosted blog or YouTube to make money from adsense.