How To Start a Freelancing Business


Freelancing is simply a business of offering your services to clients at a stipulated rate, where results are based on work delivery not hours clocked in like normal employment, to start a freelancing, you need to have a skill if you don't have any, then think of ways you can get clients, luckily enough there are platforms like Upwork, Fiverr where you can create a gig and clients will hire you.

It's important to also learn marketing, how to reach clients at scale in order to make money, requirements are a website, personal social media pages and it might help if you have a YouTube channel where you post stuffs regarding your skillset.

What do you think about starting a business as a freelancer?


Paid Author
The good thing about freelancing business is you will will spend little or nothing to start. If you have such skill to offer, you are good to go. The only problem is most times you need to find a platform to showcase your skills before you can make some money, not just any platform but credible once because there are lots of platforms out there that don't do what they have their description. They don't protect workers. Some clients purposely give wrong review just to avoid paying thereby ruining your online reputation, some of these websites don't take their time to review the process before banning or sanctioning you.


Paid Author
I am a freelancer but I do not freelance as a business, I freelance as an individual. However, I believe if you try, you can easily build a business around freelancing. First of all you need to hire freelancers as you will not be able to give all sorts of services and even if you can do different things, it is not possible to work alone if you are starting as a business. You will then have to get orders from clients, you can use freelancing sites for getting clients.

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VIP Contributor
The good thing about freelancing business is you will will spend little or nothing to start. If you have such skill to offer, you are good to go. The only problem is most times you need to find a platform to showcase your skills before you can make some money, not just any platform but credible once because there are lots of platforms out there that don't do what they have their description.
Connects on freelancing sites cost money means you need some funds to start submitting purpose of work and it depends if employer decides to hire you or this purposal money is lost add to bid for jobs, means you cannot start with 0 $ or empty handed on such freelancing platforms.


Paid Author
It might be easy to start as a freelancer but could be really difficult to build freelancing business. Do not confuse freelancing with freelancing business. There is a difference between working as a freelancer and owning a freelancing business. To start a freelancing business you might have to create an agency where you hire freelancers to work for you. You are basically taking orders and letting freelancers under you work on the orders. You make some portion to your freelancer and keep the remaining for yourself.