How To Start a Capital Intensive Business


When you want to start a business that's capital intensive, it will be difficult to get off the ground due to financial constraints, there are some ways to get it done.

1) Investors: You can raise money from investors, there are angel investors and institutional investors that will fund you with a clear business plan.

2) Venture Capital: These are sort of investors but they have a pool of funds where they help/back entrepreneurs to build large companies, they mostly require a working prototype of what you want to build.


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If you want to start a business that needs a lot of investment and you do not have enough money for investment, you can do a couple of things:
Get into a partnership business: Invite like minded people to become partner and sign a contract governing all the partnership terms. When you have a partner, he will not only invest but also work to make your business successful.
Build a private limited company: Instead of one or a couple of partners, you can have a lot of shareholders.