How to Monetize Your Followers By Selling Your Own Products


Paid Author
For most social media influencer, attracting brands and businesses, getting brand deals and sponsorships is the ultimate success strategy as an influencer. However, think about other away around, let’s say you have 100k followers on Instagram, why should you take $1k $2k and promote someone else’s product, why not use your followers to sell your own products. When you have just 4-5 percent conversion, you will end up making thousands of dollars. Even 1 percent conversion would be 1000 sales, and if you are making just $5 per product, you can easily make $5000. You do not even have to create your own product, you can use print on demand or dropshipping method


It makes more sense if your followers are engaging enough, else it will be the best way to sell products, I see people with a lot of followers on Instagram for example to the tune of a million if you can sell just a 1$ product to each follower you are a millionaire, of course it's easier said than done😂

The problem with all of these platforms is that you might have a lot of followers but getting them to engage with you it's a hard task, that's why you'll see a 100K account with 3K likes on their posts.