How To Make Sales in a Competitive Industry


You're just starting In business and your industry is cut throat competitive, how can you make sales regardless, it takes a strategy to approach and solve this kind of problem, first of all you are going to look for bottlenecks in the business, what are the successful businesses having a problem with? How can you solve these problems directly.

It's not advisable to compete with them directly, compete on things they're delivering low value on, and marketing will be easy that way because you will only chat the existing customers up that you can solve the problem they're facing and you can clinch a sale.


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If the industry is competitive, you can make sales only when you are marketing your products and services aggressively. Marketing aggressively means you are running better and bigger campaigns compared to your competitors. For this you need a lot of money. If you do not have money, you might not be able to do it. In that case, you need to focus on selling your product for a lower price to attract price conscious customers. You will also have to offer value added services along with your product.