How To Make Money Solving Captcha


On you can get paid by solving different captchas on their platform, this serves like sort of training for their different captcha models, according to many review website, you can make over 1$ a day working on these platforms, I once worked on the platform some eons ago, more than 5 years I guess.

But I found it very boring and the rewards are super miniscule, I had to leave, there's also some technical issue then, when you solve a particular puzzle you won't be rewarded and all, what's you experience working on this site and how much were you able to make from it?


Paid Author
I haven't heard about this, but at first, it sounded like something that wouldn't pay to me. When last did you check this site before posting this? If you complaining about the payment when you earn $1 in a day, should you be engaging on Ptp forums😄. Well I just think you should confirm if the site still works and if they got a better offer now before posting. However, it's a good update at least I no know there is a site that pays just for you to deal with captchas. I will check if their payment system suits me too.