How to Make Money on Kindle Direct Publishing


Paid Author
Kindle Direct Publishing or KDP in short is a program from eCommerce giant Amazon that offers a free platform for publishing your own e-books as well as paperbacks. You can upload your manuscript in a PDF or MS Word format and your book will be available for purchase in less than 24 hours. You will earn royalties from every sale, thus, offering lifetime income from your ebooks and paperbacks. The platform is so easy that you can easily convert your ebooks into paper backs or paperbacks into ebooks. You can earn 70 percent royalty on ebooks and around 30 percent royalty on paper backs.
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Paid Author
They pay to your bank. If you cannot use your bank for some reason, you can use payonner. payoneer is available globally. However, the main problem with payoneer is you have to pay for account maintainence. When I was using payoneer it was $1 per month. If you can use, Amazon Pay is also available as a payment method