How to Improve UX and UI on Online Stores


Paid Author
If you have an online store and you are not generating sales one of the reasons that might not have crossed your mind yet could be due to UX and UI. User Experience and User Interface is very important for generating sales. No one likes to shop from a site that gives a terrible user experience or has a terrible user interface. You will have to use bright colors on your store and use word pictures like discounts, freebies, sale to attract users and make them want to learn more. You will have to categorize your products and tag them properly so that buyers can find them easily. Your store also needs to have a support to live chat with customers.


There are two ways you can improve the UI of an online store, if you're working with pre-installed themes it is very easy as all you have to do is to buy another theme with a great UI design it might cost you more but can be the right way to go if you want your store image to be spectacular.

Secondly you can hire a UI designer to make new designs for you and then also hire a front-end developer to translate it into code for you, this is the best way to go about it, and you can retain the code and improve on it later