How To Host Your Website for Free?


If you're looking for alternative to host your website for free, GitHub is your answer, you don't need much technical knowledge, all you need to do is know how to upload your files to GitHub, there are free tutorials online on how to do just that, after getting your HTML, CSS and Javascript files together in one file and linking them together, the next thing to do is to upload them to GitHub.

Navigate through settings and choose GitHub pages, click on the toggle button and give it some minutes, GitHub will host your websites and put them online, they'll auto generate a domain for you, but if you don't like it, you can redirect to your own custom domain.


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In my opinion, one of the best ways to host your site for free is by mapping a custom domain with your blogger account. By doing this you will be using blogger to host your own website. You do not need complex skills to do it. All you need to do go to blogger dashboard and find DNS and then copy the DNS and then go to your domain's nameserver and point to blogger's DNS. This process requires you to spend money on a domain. If you do not want this, you can always use free website builders