How To Create an Engaging Social Media


As an ardent social media poster, your ability to post relatable content will determine how far you can grow your social media.

First of all you'll have to be know your audience, who exactly are you writing for, when you gain clarity about that the next thing is what do they like and where do they hangout, it is important because you want to know how to reach them.

Secondly, you should learn to inject humor into your writing, no one likes to read boring straightforward contents, or you should alternate between pictures, videos and content in order not to get your audience bored.


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If you want to create an engaging social media content, you first need to understand who your audience is. You cannot cater the same content to each and everyone. For instance, your same content might not make Gen Z and baby Boomers happy at the same time. If you want to serve to Gen X, you need to create content that this generation likes, if you want to provide content to Gen Y, you need to create content for this target group. You need to understand your audience.