How To Build a Habit?


We all have goals and aspirations but the truth is, the only way you can reach your goals is by building habits that clearly link to your goals, how long does it take to build a habit, according to James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits, it takes 90 days to create a habit.

Also, you shouldn't try and make drastic change once, Increase the intensity as time goes on, for example if you want to build an exercise habits, start with simple methods like walking, then jogging and cardios like push ups etc, if you do it consistently for 90 days you have successfully cement a new habit.


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Forming habits that align well with your goals is very essential to achieve your goals. Research suggests that it takes around ninety days to establish a new habit. By intentionally linking our daily routines to our desired outcomes, we can steadily improve and progress toward our goals. Consistency and dedication are important in habit formation, as they reinforce the behavioral patterns necessary for success. By committing to this process, you can significantly enhance their chances of reaching your aspirations very soon.


Forming habits that align well with your goals is very essential to achieve your goals. Research suggests that it takes around ninety days to establish a new habit. By intentionally linking our daily routines to our desired outcomes, we can steadily improve and progress toward our goals. Consistency and dedication are important in habit formation, as they reinforce the behavioral patterns necessary for success. By committing to this process, you can significantly enhance their chances of reaching your aspirations very soon.
That's also another crucial point by clearly linking our goal with our day to day habits we can create a well craft out plan on how we can. Build a lasting habit, if you're just doing stuffs for their sake it will be incredibly hard to build any kind of leverage for your habit.

The ideal way is to build a habit that is desirable to you, which means you've associate pleasure to it and it becomes easier for you to do, because you derive some sort of pleasure from it and it makes you happy as a person, you have incentive/leverage to perform it.