how do you increase productivity?

I have found Pomodoro Technique is one of the most effective techniques to increase my productivity. The techniques indicated that you Work for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break. This will help to enhance focus and it will also help to avoid burnout as well. Using the Stop Doing' list is also very good as it can be used to identify tasks that are wasting my time or energy. It will make you let go of non-essential tasks. Another favorite way to increase productivity is to prioritise my tasks and I can use Eisenhower Matrix for that. It helps to enhance focuse.
It is also good to use a 'Batching' technique as this helps you to group all the tasks that are similar together and to complete them in one session. This technique saves a lot of time and mental energy too. One tool that should be a go-to productivity tool is using a 'Time Box' . This is used to schedule fixed time for each and every tasks. It will help you to stay on track and meet your deadlines. Using a 'Done' list to track your accomplishments is a great motivator too.
I have seen so many businesses men use a 'Pre-Game' routine as this will help them to prepare for their workday. The good thing is that this tools sets you up for success and also gets you in the right frame of mind. Additionally , using 'Weekly Review' to make reflection on your work progress, goals, and habits is needed to be considered. This helps you to adjust your schedule and make the best decisions about how you want to spend your time.