Fast Ways X Users (Twitter) Are Making Money


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Currently, X (formerly Twitter) users are making good money. First, they are tweeting for companies, companies buy products and pay them to advertise it formally known as ‘tweetvertising’. After that, they are transforming into affiliate marketing where they attach special links for products and get a percentage from its sales. Aong them are those who are ready to give shoutouts and promotions for the agreed amount of money. Some are using X, its Super Follows where subscribers pay for content that is personalized to them.

There are also the crowdfunding and donations, such as Patreon. Also, the direct selling of goods or services to others through their account profiles. Let’s not forget, some are using ad revenue from X’s monetization programs. These are some of the most effective steps in making money out of tweets.

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These practices will one day lead to the account jail, because any social media based on X to win money could lead to jail, because they pay employers to maintain platform to that you purchase ads not pay people to retweet links to win a small reward and this is not in their favor.


Paid Author
There are multiple ways to earn on Twitter. One of the easiest ways to make money is by verifying your profile and then getting a percentage of Twitter revenue. This method works only when you meet requirements set by twitter. Another method is by promoting your own products and services, including affiliate products. However, for this method to work, you need substantial followers. Third method is influencer marketing. You can also earn by promoting businesses links if you have huge followers