Easy ways to make money on social media in 2024


New member
If you are active on social media and have an account with any of the popular platforms and only go there to send and receive messages, read stuff or even watch videos, then you have been limiting your potential to make cool money from the time you spend.

It goes without saying today that social media has come to stay and also it has changed many lives. Here are some easy ways you can make money through social media.

1. Become an influencer: When you give people value, they take you seriously and never sleep on what you have to say. The strength of an influencer is the quality of the contents churned out. This in turn builds your follower base and brands and individuals can reach out to you to advertise for them at a fee. Be determined to leverage your social media presence to make money on Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and more.

2. Render writing services: If you have a knack for writing and that's your forte, then we suggest you monetize this hobby and make it worthwhile.

Many website and blog owners need writers on their sites to curate content for them. You can reach out to them with your proposal and charge them at a fee. Or even better you just keep up with churning quality content that meets people's needs and they'll reach out to you to write for them.

3. Become a counselor: Every moment of our lives, we think of ways we can better our lives. So if you have wisdom that benefit people, why not monetize it? You can become a coach on social media and people will book sessions with you to coach them. We strongly suggest that you focus on your area of strength and develop it till it becomes marketable. You can do this by focusing on one niche and become a maestro in it. It could be romance, religion, lifestyle and more.

4. Make informative video contents: If you've been following this article, then you already know by now that the key thing is to give people value. Many people are making money off talking to people on YouTube through their helpful videos. So if you're fluent in English and have something helpful that will solve problems and improve people's lives, check out YouTube and begin your journey. Kindly note that the beginning can be quite discouraging but consistency is the key. Also, you can use your other social media platforms to draw people's attention to your YouTube videos and link to it.


Paid Author
It is not easy to make money on social media. There are multiple ways to make money on social media but reaching monetization threshold or attracting paying clients is not easy. You can make money by creating Reels and you can start earning with just 500 followers on Facebook. But it is not possible to attract tips on your videos when you have small followers.


Staff member
It is not easy to make money on social media. There are multiple ways to make money on social media but reaching monetization threshold or attracting paying clients is not easy. You can make money by creating Reels and you can start earning with just 500 followers on Facebook. But it is not possible to attract tips on your videos when you have small followers.
Challenges are not meant to defeat us; they are meant to inspire us to rise above them. Each obstacle we face presents us with a chance to learn something new about ourselves, to push beyond our comfort zones, and to discover our inner strength.


Paid Author
That's true, challenges are also opportunities in disguise. However, to do something and to become successful on something are entirely different things. Challenges are opportunities but if you do not know how to face the challenges or if you do not know how to defeat challenges, you will not become successful. Having the right skills always help you to become successful on all things that you attempt including making money form social media.


Paid Author
So many are earning on social media creating content. The influencers, skit makers and more. One thing that is sure is no matter what you offer as content, you must have your followers, however if you want to earn more, you should create quality content and be consistent too. Skit makers are earning so much. Some even give out trash yet with so many followers and likes. The more some people criticize them, the more they get praised by others. Do what you know how to do best, things you will keep doing and not run out of ideas easily.