Do you really need to sacrifice happiness to save money?


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Saving money means you stop spending on non-essential things. Going to a movie, going to a restaurant, eating ice creams and chocolates are some of the things that can make people happy. However, all of these things are non-essential items. Does this mean you have to sacrifice happiness to be able to save money? Can you spend money on things that make you happy still be able to save? Frankly speaking, that’s not possible. When you create a budget, you can set aside how much to spend on fun and how much to save. However, if you are on low income, it would be difficult to strike a balance between enjoying life and saving.


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Amidst all this, the goal should supersede every thing. Although, happiness is something we can't do without but we can do things in such a way we don't totally become unhappy but still achieve our goal. For instance, you should go out on your birthday but you are low on cash because you have to save up. You can still go out but spend less. It still depends on your mindset, you need to program your mind, make it understand why you are doing this and the fact that it's for a greater goal. Have your fun in a little way and still prioritize your savings.


This actually depends on the kind of goal you have and how important the goal is to you, also, you don't have to sacrifice what you enjoy for savings, If you're able to save just 10% of your savings a month you are good to go.

The remaining amount can go into other stuffs you want to do and fun activities, savings can only become restricting, if you are saving towards a goal, where you have to save majority of your paycheck to achieve it.