Different hypertension, signs and symptoms of Hypertension


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Hypertension, meaning high blood pressure, is a common ailment in which blood pressure becomes raised. There are two main types of hypertension:There are two main types of hypertension:

1. Primary (Essential) Hypertension: This is the most common type, accounting for the majority of cases. It typically develops gradually over time with no identifiable cause. Primary hypertension is often related to lifestyle factors, genetics, aging, and environmental influences.

2. Secondary Hypertension: This type is caused by an underlying medical condition or medication. Conditions such as kidney disease, hormonal disorders, and certain medications can lead to secondary hypertension.

Common Symptoms of Hypertension:

Hypertension normally presents no symptoms and is therefore a silent killer, which means that it does not show symptoms until the stage that it becomes dangerous. When symptoms do occur, they may include:When symptoms do occur, they may include:

- Headaches: Certain people suffering from high blood pressure may continue to have headaches mostly at the nape of the head.

- Dizziness or Lightheadedness: Should standing happen suddenly in such patients, dizziness is likely to result from high blood pressure.

- Shortness of Breath: Patients with severe hypertension may be also have shortness of breath and or difficulty in breathing.

- Chest Pain: Hypertension can cause chest pain, or angina if a person experiencing the condition has existing heart issues.