Creating a To-Do List for Productivity


Paid Author
If you want to become productive in your professional and personal life, if you want to become creative and perform well in your house or your workplace, you need create a to-do list. So, what exactly is a to do list? Well, it is a list that lists the works you need to do based on your priorities. There are several ways to create a to-do list. The most popular way is to jotting on your diary with a pen or writing down on your devices such as phone and computer. Some interesting ways to make a to do list includes using a productivity app or a digital planner. I recommend using an app for its convenience and features, something like Notion, however, you can choose the method that suits you best.


A to-do list is very important if you want to manage your time, personally I just started using them some few months back and it gives me a sense of urgency in my life, I'm always booked because my list is pretty loaded, it gives me a sense of direction and whenever I mark a task off my to-do list I feel accomplished.

I recommend it for anyone that wants to plan their life for maximum productivity, I also prefer a notepad to a phone's to-do list.